We strive to meet your and our demands for high quality service. We are constantly expanding our professional horizons, stay observant towards new trends and opportunities in the world of embedded systems. That’s why we cooperate with selected partners from both the academic and private sector.
ITPower Solutions GmbH is a member of the Arbeitskreises Software-Qualität und -Fortbildung e.V. (ASQF). With its more than 1,400 members, the association offers an enormous potential for know-how, products and services around the quality of software.
ZeSys e.V. is a recognized non-profit institute for applied research and development services in the field of embedded systems. As a partner of the association, ITPower Solutions GmbH drives and supports research projects in connection with software-based systems.
Fraunhofer FOKUS is one of the most renowned research institutes in the field of information and communication technology. Its main focus is on practical research on and implementation of transformative digital technologies. ITPower Solutions GmbH supports this endeavour in joint research projects and events.